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Temporary Road Closures


In Preparation for the Temporary Road Closures on Saturday April 16, 2022. Below are the roads that will be impacted by the Piggy Trot and the Bacon Fest.

Piggy Trot Between 8:45 and 10:30 the following roads will be active with the Piggy Trot please avoid them during this time.

  • Portion of W. Railroad Street from the intersection with West Specht Street and West Railroad Street

  • Intersection of West Railroad Street going south on South Stuck Street, continuing along Red Orchard Street, Bishop Street and High Street.

Bacon Fest Roads closed around Station Park for the Bacon Fest Between 7am to 6pm.

  • West Railroad Street & West Walker Streets

  • Portions of Schoch Street

  • Portions of Zeller Street

NOTE: Brown Streets will be open to traffic. Street parking is available

To Quote McClure Revitalization Committee Chairman Robin Grove "Get ready for the BACON. Tons of Bacon Yummy Bacon Scrumptious Bacon Savory Bacon and more Bacon!"


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