In recognition of outstanding contributions to the McClure community, the McClure Borough Council proudly presents the Special Thanks And Recognition (S.T.A.R.) Award. This accolade is bestowed upon individuals who have made a significant difference in our community, embodying the spirit of dedication and service.
The primary objective of the S.T.A.R. Award program is to acknowledge and express gratitude to those who, through their efforts, positively impact the McClure community. It serves as a heartfelt "Thank you for your hard work" to individuals who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to enhancing the quality of life in McClure.
We invite community members to actively participate in this commendation process by nominating individuals they believe deserve this special recognition. To submit a nomination, kindly send an email to the McClure Borough Council at mcclure_1867@ymail.com, providing details about the nominee's contributions and the reasons behind their nomination. Your participation helps us honor those dedicated to making McClure a better place to live.
Let us join together in acknowledging and celebrating the remarkable efforts of individuals who have left an indelible mark on our community.
Fall 2019 Recipient
Cameron Klingler received this award for his Eagle Scout Project in Station Park with the addition of five new smaller flag poles and the revitalization of the flag pole area. This has added a new level of patriotism to Station Park.
Winter 2019 Recipient
Wyatt Wagner received this award for his Eagle Scout Project that helped to kick start the McClure Borough's Hometown Hero Banner Program. This program helps to showcase and honor our great "Hometown" veterans.
Summer 2020 Recipient
Andrew Oldt received this award for his Eagle Scout Project of new welcome to worship signs on both entrance to our town. He replaced the old and worn out signs with bright new signs; giving our town's entrances a great face lift.
Winter 2021 Recipient
Judith "Judy" Pheasant for her decades of public service to numerous organizations in town and her countless hours of work serving veterans locally and over seas.
Winter 2021 Recipient
Barry E. Goss was the longest serving tax collector in the history of McClure Borough up until January 22, 2021, when he decided to hang up his hat. Barry has served as McClure's Tax Collector since 1976, to put it into perspective the McClure Borough was established in 1966.
Gavin G. Treaster
Spring 2024 Recipient
Gavin Treaster received this award for his Eagle Scout Project at the McClure American Legion Post 942 with the restoration of the Korean War Cannon and the landscape area surrounding the cannon. This has helped to preserve the cannon for many generations to come.