​The Hometown Hero Banner Program is a tribute to veterans, with connections to McClure Borough and West Beaver Township. Banners are displayed on streetlight poles and utility pole around McClure, as living memorials to the men and women from our community who serve/have served our country.
Each banner is unique and honors a specific hero including their picture, branch of service, era of service. This program is non-political and non-partisan.
This program could not have been possible with out the hard work and dedication from Wyatt Wagner. This was his Eagle Scout Project; thank you very much Wyatt.
If you are a Hometown Hero, or would like to honor a Hometown Hero as part of this program, please complete an application and mail it to the McClure Borough at 1 N. Forbes Street, McClure, PA 17841, or take it to the Borough Secretary on Thursday night between 5pm and 8pm. Any questions contact borough secretary at 570-658-8006 or by email at mcclureborosec@gmail.com

EXPLORE PAST SUBMISSIONS: To view all the banners submitted in previous editions, simply click the button below. The image below captures the original eight banners showcased during the presentation ceremony.

Banner Size - 24" x 48" ~ Price in Application form.
Application can be delivered to the McClure Borough Office, by mail or email the information to mcclureborosec@gmail.com.
Is burning aloud inside the Borough limits of McClure?Yes, you can, but there are rules. Please review Chapter 4 - Health, Safety, and Public Conduct, Part 1 -Burning of the Code of Ordinance for the McClure Borough for more information.
When is McClure's Community Yard Sale?The McClure Community Yard Sale is always held the third weekend in June.
Does the borough recycle electronics?No, the borough does not recycle electronics, but there are two times throughout the year that it is provided by the county.
What is the number for the local Police?Middleburg Borough Police 911 / (570) 837-0321
Does the McClure Borough have recycling, when and where?No there is not recycling in the borough but it can be taken to the Beaver Springs Dump on Wednesdays between 9am and 7pm. The Beaver Springs Dump is located at 1008 Ridge Road, Beaver Springs, PA.
When does the McClure Municipal Authority meet and where?Every 1st Wednesday of (January, March, June, September and November) at the McClure Borough Municipal Building located at 1 North Forbes Street, McClure, PA.
When does the McClure Borough Council meet and where?Every second Wednesday, of every month at 7:00pm at the McClure Borough Municipal Building located at 1 North Forbes Street, McClure, PA.
When and where does the McClure Planning Commission meet?Every fourth Wednesday, of every month at 6:30pm at the McClure Borough Municipal Building located at 1 North Forbes Street, McClure, PA.
Is there a curfew in the Borough of McClure?Please review Chapter 5 - Prohibited Conduct, Part 4 - Curfew for more information.