ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Borough of McClure, Snyder County, Pennsylvania, is hereby accepting sealed bids for the sale of a parcel of real estate on or before 6:00 p.m. on January 11, 2023. The parcel being offered for sale is .0308 acres (1,344 SF), more or less, being identified as Snyder County Tax Parcel #09-03-047, and more specifically described in Snyder County Deed Book 636, Page 163. This property shall be sold AS IS, without any warranties, claims, or otherwise. Any potential purchaser bears the burden and duty of obtaining any and all inspections, surveys, and the like. Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with no identifying information regarding the bidder. The actual bid sheet shall contain the name, address, and telephone of the bidder, together with the amount of their specific bid, and a proof of funds document with a date on the same consistent with the date the bid is submitted. The Borough reserves the right to reject any and all bids for not complying with the requirements set forth to submit a bid, or for insufficiency in the amount of the bid. All bids shall be opened at the public meeting on January 11, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. In the event a successful bid is accepted, the successful bidder shall be contacted and shall lodge a down payment of 10% of their bid with the Secretary of the Borough of McClure on or before the close of business on Wednesday January 12, 2023. The successful bidder shall also bear the entire costs of any realty transfer taxes and recording fees. Per Section 1201.1, a successful bidder shall complete the purchase within sixty (60) days of January 11, 2023. Any person wishing any additional information shall visit the Borough Office during their hours of operation. No assertions by any Borough employee shall be binding.
