An Ordinance of the Borough of McClure, Snyder County, Restricting parking along certain roads and streets during Snow Emergencies, and establishing penalties for violation of the same. This ordinance number is 2019-1
The Snow Emergency Route signs have been placed on the roads that pertain to this Ordinances. The roads are included under section three of this ordinance.
A snow emergency shall exist when:
1. The president of the Borough Council, and/or the Road Foreman causes a declaration to be made.
2. snow falls are reported by local news broadcasts total four (4) inches or more in a twenty-four (24) hour period.
A snow emergency shall exist and continue during and for forty-eight (48) hours after the cessation of a snow fall which accumulated at least four inches or more in a twenty-four hour period or until declared terminated by declaration of the President of the Borough Council or the Road Foreman.
Full text can be found on this website under the Borough Ordinance page. Again the Ordinance is 2019-1.