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2020 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

Every year the McClure Municipal Authority is required to provide Drinking Water Quality Report, which is located below.

Also called the “Water Quality Report,” is information that rates the condition of your local drinking water quality. It contains the source of your drinking water, list of contaminants present, potential health effects, contaminant levels in your CCR compared to national standards, and any violations of health-based standards.

It also contains more sources of information such as EPA, your healthcare provider and your water provider company.

A Little History on the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)

An amendment of a federal law took effect on August 19, 1998, which requires the community water systems to send each household a detailed report of their water quality. This amendment is called “Safe Drinking Water Act” otherwise called the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this act sets standard for drinking water quality and with its partners, implements various technical and financial programs to secure safe drinking water.

Safe Drinking Water Act

SDWA has been repeatedly amended within a period of over 20 years since 1974, the year it was originally passed. They made amendments in order to meet the needs of the consumers across the United States. Most importantly, this is to protect public health by regulating the nation’s public drinking water supply.

There are more than 170,000 public water systems that provide clean drinking water to Americans. This federal law is just as important as to refine and get the water quality right for the American public. Thus, this report is given yearly.

How to Interpret Your Water Quality Report

To understand better how the table or chart in your report flows, follow along the number and their corresponding meaning below:

  1. Contaminants: As seen in this table, are not “bad” contaminants. They are anything found in you water other than oxygen and hydrogen, which makes up water. Both can be healthy and unhealthy, depending on the kind of substance and quantity.

  2. Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG): If you see “Your Water” value is below this MCLG value, then there is no expected or known risk to your health.

  3. Maximum Residual Disinfection Level Goal (MRDLG): If you also see “You Water” value is below this MRDLG value, there is also no expected or known risk to your health.

  4. Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): If the value of “Your Water” is above the MCL, your water system is violating EPA’s regulations.

  5. Treatment Technique: A required process to downsize the level of contaminant in drinking water.

  6. Maximum Residual Disinfection Level (MRDL): The highest level of disinfection amount in your drinking water. An optimal amount of disinfection present in the water is just enough to kill the microbes and germs in the water.

  7. Your Water: The actual level of contaminant in your water during sampling.

  8. Range Detected: It refers to the high and low at which contaminants are detected in your drinking water.

  9. Sample Date: The date(s) of testing. Some contaminants may not be tested every year.

  10. Violation: It shows whether an excessive level of contaminant surpassed the level set by EPA.

  11. Typical Sources: The information where the contaminants are found commonly


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