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McClure Cave

Pennsylvania's 31st Longest Cave



The McClure Cave is about one-half mile long and has three different “rooms,” with the largest being 300 feet long and 15 feet high. There are stalagmites and different formations throughout and a small pool of water that glistens with calcite rafts, or crystals.

Interested in a tour?

The McClure Cave is now gated and any interested visitors are invited to contact the conservancy at

Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy - McClure Cave

Rules ...

There are rules to follow. To keep yourself clean and preserve the interior of the cave, explorers are encouraged to wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, sturdy shoes and gloves.  The gloves are necessary to protect the formations inside the cave, which can be ruined by skin oils if touched

map of mcclure cave.jpg
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